Let’s Play Online Zoom Club will resume on Thursday, July 2nd,2020 at 11am.

The summer program will run on Tuesday and Thursday from 11am-noon.

Tuesdays they will move to music with Megan and Thursdays we will continue to build on the exercises that keep our posture, muscles and joints healthy.

Things will kick off on July 2nd at 11am with a Beach Party hosted by our let’s Play friends Savanna and Kaylie. Dress up as a tacky tourist or in your favorite beach hat, we will each have some time to introduce ourselves and to show us all anything you would like to share with the group.  (Pet, favorite jersey or t-shirt, toy, favorite snack)

Registration is open now and will remain open throughout the duration of the program.  After you register through this link you will be sent the Zoom meeting ID and password. We will use the same log in throughout the summer.  There is no pressure in terms of attendance but I would advise you to register now, get the log in and password – then you can Zoom in on the days that work for you.

Registration open now:                https://bcwbs.typeform.com/to/L4eZZeIl

Let’s Play will also be hosting some summer camp activities on August 13th and 14th  so mark your calendars.  Details will be sent out shortly regarding those dates.