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Where to Find Support



The BC Sport Alliance and Canadian Sport Institute (Pacific) use practitioners registered with SportMedBC.

Practitioners who are interested in being part of this referral network can register with SportMedBC and can join the Canadian Sport Psychology Association in order to satisfy membership requirements.

Canadian Centre for Mental Health in Sport (CCMHS)

High Performance athletes across Canada may qualify for services with the CCMHS.

The CCMHS offers integrated mental health care, which means that the CCMHS interdisciplinary team of practitioners seamlessly works together to assess athletes’/coaches’ needs and to establish the most effective and efficient care plans that take into consideration sport-specific factors.

CCMHS mental health care is distinct from the general mental health care available through Canada’s public and private health care systems.

The CCMHS collaborative care team involves psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, mental performance consultants, family physicians, and psychiatrists, all of whom are in good standing with their regulatory body and professional organization, and meet requirements to practice in Canada. This team is unique and comprehensive in that it includes all core mental health and mental performance practitioners who are in a position to positively impact athletes and coaches seeking to improve their mental health and recover from mental illness.

Canadian Sport Psychology Association

The Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA) is an organization devoted to applied sport psychology. Applied sport psychology involves facilitating the development of mental and emotional skills, techniques, attitudes, perspectives, and processes that lead to performance enhancement and positive personal development.

CSPA Professional Members are consultants who work with athletes and coaches to assist them in achieving many of the following objectives:

  • Reach their performance potential in sport and/or other aspects of life
  • Regulate arousal, stress, and/or emotionsImprove confidence, motivation, and concentration
  • Manage time effectively
  • Mentally plan for training and competitions
  • Create and maintain positive environments
  • Improve communication skills
  • Learn specific performance enhancement techniques (e.g. imagery, goal-setting)
  • Improve recovery and regeneration
  • Debrief and evaluate performance or programs
  • Improve decisions making processes
  • Rehabilitate from an injury
  • Make a positive transition from sport

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

CMHA has a presence in over 300 communities across Canada and provides advocacy, programs and resources to address mental illness and promote wellness.

Kelowna Branch

Vernon Branch

South Okanagan-Similkameen Branch

CMHA Youth Services:

FoundryBC provides free, confidential in-person and virtual counselling for young people aged 12-24.

Online Resources

Digital Tools for Managing Mental Health

The Lifeline Canada – a mobile app providing e-counselling, self-management tools, and crisis intervention services.

Moodtracker – an app to help you manage depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

Headspace – a personal trainer app designed to help you train your mind.

Relax Melodies – a meditation & sleep aid app.

Smiling Mind – a mindfulness and mental health check in app (free).


Guidelines for Promoting Mental Wellness in Sport

USports Guidelines

NCAA Guidelines


Local, Regional, and National Organizations

Canadian Centre for Mental Health in Sport (CCMHS) offers mental health services, resources, workshops, and webinars designed to address the issue of mental wellness in sport.

Student Athlete Mental Health Initiative (SAMHI) promotes mental health among student athletes by offering resources and establishing peer support networks at college campuses.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) provides mental wellness and stress management tips designed specifically for athletes.

Canadian Sport Institute (Pacific) offers confidential mental health services for athletes as well as a library of other online and regional support services.

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) promotes mental health in communities across Canada by providing advocacy, resources, support services, and crisis intervention services.

Mental Health Information Sheets

Click the links below to download PDFs with more information about common mental health issues in sport.