- Sport Development Program Coordinator
Carolyn joins the PacificSport team coming from an extensive background in coaching and education. A teacher and administrator in School District #23 (Central Okanagan) since 1993, Carolyn has had many opportunities to connect with coaches, athletes and parents across many sports. She is a Master Learning Facilitator (LF) for Field Hockey Canada, as well as an NCCP LF for FMS and Introduction to Competition courses. Obtaining her BPE from the University of Alberta in Athletic Training and Conditioning before completing her PDPP in Education at UVIC has supported Carolyn’s passion for sport and promoting a healthy active lifestyle.
Carolyn is passionate about physical literacy and sport education. She is responsible for programming coach education courses, sport discovery camps and networking with educators and local sport organizations to provide greater understanding of the Canadian Sport for Life Model and how it impacts programming across all age levels. Carolyn looks forward to making connections with multiple sports organizations and community groups throughout the Okanagan Valley.