We are gearing up for Spring / Summer 2021! WE ARE HIRING FOR SUMMER 2021! Please refer to our detailed job posting listing in the document attached below, and note…
We are gearing up for Spring / Summer 2021! WE ARE HIRING FOR SUMMER 2021! Please refer to our detailed job posting listing in the document attached below, and note…
Resource: Health and Safety Guidelines for Day Camps Please see the resource below from BCRPA for more information on COVID-19 precautions Day Camp COVID-19 Guidelines <— Access here! Let’s have an…
The Okanagan Sport Community is invited to a virtual regional town hall meeting on the return to sport process in B.C., hosted by viaSport and PacificSport Okanagan. You may have attended…
Return to Sport Guidelines are under review by public health authorities and WorkSafe BC – please see https://www.viasport.ca/return-sport for more information as it is made available.
viaSport is leading the creation of a set of guidelines on how to resume sport while operating safely during this pandemic – the Return to Sport Guidelines. Click the guidelines link…