Are you looking to find out about opportunities for professional development during COVID-19 times?

Here are some options you can check out for online (eLearning) Safe Sport and NCCP coaching modules.

**NEW Safe Sport Training
90 minutes, 2 PD Points, FREE
Gain knowledge and skills to create healthy and safe environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.
CLICK HERE Safe Sport Training eLearning


NCCP Sport Nutrition
60 minutes, 5 PD Points, $20
Maximizing nutritional needs of athletes including; disordering eating, food allergies and nutritional guidance.
CLICK HERE NCCP Sport Nutrition

NCCP Emergency Action Plan
15 minutes, 1 PD Point, FREE
Create and use an EAP to respond calmly, quickly and effectively if an emergency arises in your practice or competition.
CLICK HERE NCCP Emergency Action Plan

NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability
45 minutes – 5 PD Points, $15
Providing knowledge to deliver quality, positive sport experiences for all athletes.
CLICK HERE NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability

NCCP Making Head Way Concussion eLearning Series
60-90 minutes completing each module

These NCCP modules will help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your participants.
CLICK HERE Making Head Way Concussion eLearning Series